LDN 1250

Dark nebulae in Cepheus

LDN 1250 belongs together with LDN 1246 to a huge complex of dark nebulae and dust in the northern constellation Cepheus.


recording data

object LDN 1250
date of recording
26 and 27 February 2017, 26 and 28 March 2017
expsore 23.6 h, Luminance": 150x150", 127x30", 451x60", 308x30", R: 50x150" G: 50x150", B: 50x150"
telescopes Celestron RASA F2.2, TS 100Q APO
focal length 620mm, 580mm
filter Baader R 2", Baader Luminance 2", Baader B 2", Baader G 2"
cameras ZWO ASI 1600mmc, Canon EOS 5Da MKII
guiding 250mm guide scope, MGEN
mount Celestron CGE pro
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sea monster

Far to the north, the constellation of Cepheus has hidden some very interesting treasures. Many of them are only elicited from the weak details and subtile colours by very long exposures. Two of these treasures are the fishlike dust formations "Lynds Dark Nebula" LDN 1250 (the sea monster, middle left in the picture) and LDN 1246 (the blue whale, middle right in the picture). Both are surrounded by dust and the scattered light of the stars of Cepheus.

If you take a close look, you will see two slightly hidden galaxies. On the right LEDA 166755 (mag. 15.9) and on the left side is the galaxy UGC 12160, (mag. 15.5).

Baerenstein Observatory

private observatory
Marcel Drechsler






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